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drainage basin造句

"drainage basin"是什么意思  
  • A scientist measured rainfall and discharge in the seine drainage basin for a period of three years .
  • Systems analysis the man - water relationship of the drainage basin
  • Rock and soil mechanics problems in flood - waterlogging prevention of yangtze river drainage basin
  • Mineral composition and chemical characteristics of albic soils in jianghuai drainage basin
  • Pasture resources and ecological protection in qinghai lake drainage basin and surrounding areas
  • Enlightenment of governance mechanism of water pollution for drainage basin in developed countries
  • The analysis on the development of alluvial and lake landform in fen river drainage basins
  • The iwrm in the yangtze drainage basin is a scientific issue with multi - disciplinary characteristics
  • A report on the model of integrated control and management of small drainage basin in pengyang county ningxia
  • Modeling the relationship between hexi inner continental river sediment grain - sizes and drainage basin height differences
  • It's difficult to see drainage basin in a sentence. 用drainage basin造句挺难的
  • Impact of development of international water law on integrated and coordinated development of international drainage basins
  • The forest cover rate of the beijiang river drainage basin is higher . affected by c3 plant , its poc 8 13c value was lighter
    北江流域森林覆盖率较高,受c _ 3植物影响明显,故北江水体中poc ~ ( 13 ) c值最轻。
  • Research progress of interactive influence and thresholds of geographic environmental elements on sediment yield of drainage basins in the middle reaches of the yellow river basin
  • The project of simu1ating and designing contro1 system of water environmenta1 po11ution in dianchi 1ake drainage basin is the basis of thi s di ssertation
  • During the planning and designing of hydraulic , communication engineering , there is a lot of work about the design flood calculation of the middle or small drainage basin
  • This paper analyzes the cause of floods of bao river and hui river drainage basin in suixi and puts forward engineering measures and non - structural measures of flood control
  • This paper is one of the important components of the project " the sustained development on the yellow river drainage basin between humans and environment "
  • Poc of zhujiang river was mainly from modern carbon , the content of which was fairly constant in different branches all year round . the erosion of zhujiang river drainage basin is relatively serious , e
    珠江水体中poc以现代碳源为主,其含量在不同支流及全年内相当恒定,全部样品的现代碳含量超过75 。
  • First , choosing the conventional data of the heavy rain case that occurred in the yangtze river drainage basin on july 29th , 1998 and putting it into the assimilation system to study the assimilation effect
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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